- The website is free! Always a great start (:
- It is really easy to register for an account, all you need is an email account and need to create a password.
- The tools allow you to create pictures as well as edit any of your own.
- There is a "Help" section that answers a lot of commonly asked questions.
- There is also a blog especially for advanced aviary, where people share tips and ideas.
- It allows you to save all of your work on your account.
- For beginners, the site is pretty advanced. While it does have tutorials, it doesn't exactly tell you how to use the tools.
- There are so many tools and different pages that I found it almost overwhelming.
- Some of my creations would not save on the computer because they were too big or could not save in the format I needed.
- For teachers, I'm not really sure if this could be used in a classroom for much, especially with how advanced it is.
Recently though, I found out there is a basic aviary webpage that seems a little easier to use. I think this site would be great for personal use. I think it would be fun to use when I have some free time and want to enhance some of my pictures. For people on Facebook, it is really similar to picnik. I think it would be fun to use this site to create a book cover, but it would have to be with a class that has advanced skills with technology.
I agree with how you felt about this website. Firstly, I'm excited to use it for my personal use in enhancing pictures! However, I do not see how it could be very useful in the classroom, other than what you mentioned in class.